Summary: Aspiring comedians from all over India compete to see who will be the future of funny. Mentored by the biggest comics in the country, find out who will be crowned the winner of Comicstaan.
Full Name: Comicstaan Season: 2 Episode: 1-8 Language: Hindi Released Year: 2019 Quality: 720p – WEB-DL Size: 500MB-600MB (Each Episodes) Genre: Comedy Format: MKV
Series synopsis/PLOT:
Aspiring comedians from all over India compete to see who will be the future of funny. Mentored by the biggest comics in the country, find out who will be crowned the winner of Comicstaan.
During the course of the shows, the 10 contestants went through 7 rounds of performances in order to secure a spot in the grand finale. Each round, the contestants performed in a different genre of comedy and, unlike most competition television series, there were no eliminations till the last round. Comedic genres the contestants performed in included anecdotal, topical, observational, improv, sketch, comedy of terrors, and alternative comedy.